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Thermal Dynamics Plasma Parts and Consumables



2-A, 3-A, & 4-A Torch Consumable Parts at Prices That Will Increase Your Profits-Let us Quote Your Requirements

The Thermal Dynamics® plasma welding torches, 2-A, 3-A, & 4-A are the most popular plasma welding torches in North America. These torches use  "high frequency" arc starting. Thermal Dynamics have not made any many engineering upgrades since the torch's inception. We offer original Thermal Dynamics OEM consumables and the very best the industry offers in replacement and upgrade consumables for these torches. We offer complete replacement torch assemblies, replacement torch heads, consumables, and consulting services for the end user. 

Thermal Dynamics Hand Held Replacement Torch Head

Thermal Dynamics Machine Replacement Torch Head


Thermal Dynamics 2-A Plasma Welding Torch

Thermo Dynamics Consumables

We offer all the parts shown above (and more) both in OEM (Thermal Dynamics original) and the best in industry has to offer in improved and upgraded consumables.

3A Thermodynamics Torch

4A welding torch parts



hypertherm and HT 2000,  are registered trademarks and property of Hypertherm Inc.. Weldmart-Online is in no way affiliated with Hypertherm Inc.  References to the named torches, machines, and part numbers are for the convenience of our customers only. This web page is copyrighted by Weldmart-Online 2004 and reproduction In any form is prohibited by law. The replacement parts, replacement torch heads, replacement cable assemblies and complete replacement troches are not Hypertherm OEM items. Weldmart-Online reserves the right to substitute original OEM parts where necessary. The original graphics are copyright of Thermacut Inc. and are used with permission.